
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Duck Rillettes

Rillettes (pronounced Rue-yets) are another forcemeat type made popular in France.  The key to making good rillettes is to slow cook the meat till it falls off the bone.  The meat is then flavoured infused with herbs and spices and compressed into a coarse paste.  It is enjoyed on crusty bread and personally, I need a good pickled gherkin or cornichon to accompany my rillettes snack.  In the recipe below I have used one leg of Confit duck from the previous recipe.  The two day wait to actually use my confit was well worth it at first bite into this delicious spread adapted from Gordon Ramsay.

1 x Confit Duck leg
2 x Shallots, finely diced
2tbsp x Parsley, chopped
2tsp x White Wine Vinegar
1tbsp x Green Peppercorns
4-5tbsp x Duck Fat, enough to bind the mixture

Fry the shallots in a tsp of duck fat for a minute or two, allow to cool
Using a fork pick the meat from the duck leg
Add remaining ingredients and cooled shallots
Mix well binding the mixture with the back of the spoon
Pack the mix into a glass ramekin ready for use
Use Rilettes as a spread on toast or as a scrumptious patty filling, just a couple of uses out of many.
Rilettes can also be frozen, just thaw in the fridge before use 


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